Temukan kami di facebook

Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

trik cara dapetin followers d twitter ampe ribuan lbih

sebagian dari agan mungkin sudah pernah menggunakan twiend.com untuk mencari following twitter ataupun mencari teman yang banyak untuk FB fan pages.
kalau agan belum tau apa itu twiends ni sedikit penjelasannya. mangap gak bs nerjemahin

Twiends provides introductions to people looking for friends and followers. We use a fair spark system to create the incentive for you to check someone out. When you follow someone you earn seeds from them, and vica versa when they follow you. You can decide how many seeds you want to offer per follow, and when you run out you remain on the list so people can still follow you if they like. We focusing on making the introduction, and you focus on deciding who you want to be friends with in the long run. We are not a "get followers fast" site or a follower train. You get to choose who you friend and they get to do the same. In saying that though, you will find that a lot people will follow you because you are on the site. Our focus is community building.
1. join
2. setting FB and twitter agan di twiends
3. setelah setting semua account pada twiends.com.silahkan menujut ke url berikut ini
pilih salah satu aja ya gan no 1 atau 2. setelah paste kode java berikut pada menu browser, kemudian enter.
javascript: /* nemsis 4 bhw */ function tr_f() { var followlinks = []; for (var i=0; i < document.links.length; i++) {if (document.links[i].getAttribute("class")=="follow"){followlinks[followlinks.length] = document.links[i];}} /* nemsis 4 bhw */ for (var i=0; i<followlinks.length; i++) {var rrr=followlinks[i].onclick();} } tr_f();
nikmati sambil minum kopi

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